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Our school is committed to providing high-quality education to all our pupils, and our governors play a vital role in supporting us to achieve this. Our governing body is made up of a diverse group of individuals who bring a range of skills and experience to the table. They are passionate about ensuring that our school is a safe and supportive learning environment where every child can thrive.

The Chair of Governors is Katherine Maynereid.

The Governor responsible for safeguarding is Anna Robinson.

Members of our Board of Governors:

Beverley Bradford - Trust Appointed
Mike Cornforth - Parent Governor
Andy Hogarth - Trust Appointed
Joanna Liggitt - Staff Governor
Katherine Maynereid (Chair of Governors) - Trust Appointed
Hannah McCleary - Parent Governor
Chris Passey - Trust Appointed
Vicky Price - Parent Governor
Anna Robinson (Safeguarding Governor) - Trust Appointed
Richard Skilbeck - Trust Appointed
Lorna Weatherby - Ex Officio

Local Academy Governing Board Membership and Declarations of Interest:

To contact any of our governors or request a physical copy of any information accessible on our website, please get in touch with the school office on 01562 67742 or use our contact form here.

Full details of our trust governance arrangements are available by visiting:

How Does the Governing Board Work?

The governors employ a Clerk who attends all the meetings, takes minutes, distributes reports and documents and provides advice. The role of the clerk is vital and we are lucky enough to have a very efficient and competent one at Sutton Park.

The governors elect a Chair and Vice Chair who work together with the Principal, the Clerk and chairs of committees to guide the work of the governing board.


Governors appoint the Principal and Vice Principal. At least one governor will usually be involved with the Principal and senior leaders in appointing new staff.

Governors monitor pay and performance progression for teachers and the Principal. Governors can help with resolving complaints from parents.

What do Governors do?

Working collaboratively with the Principal and Senior Leadership Team, governors play an important role in shaping the overall vision and objectives of the school. This may include:

  • Collaborating with school leadership to establish the school's vision and aims, ensuring alignment with the Executive Principal and Senior Leadership Team.
  • Evaluating the school's performance by monitoring progress across student groups, identifying strengths and weaknesses to support continuous improvement.
  • Provide constructive challenge and support to the Senior Leadership Team in their decision-making and strategic planning.
  • Oversee budget management, ensuring efficient and responsible allocation of resources for the school's operations and improvement initiatives.
  • Ensure compliance with statutory obligations from the Department for Education, regularly reviewing and updating school policies to meet legal requirements and maintain high standards.

How Can The Governors Be Contacted? 

Governors can be contacted via the school on 01562 67742 or via our contact form here.

Contact Us

Sutton Park Primary School,
Greatfield Road,
DY11 6PH

01562 67742